The EtherCAT plugin has been available for a long time and it is able also to dissect the protocol related to the hw analyzer ET2000.
The following EtherCAT.dll adds several features that are not currently present (as I will describe shortly below), while at the same time it maintains and does not modify what is already present.
You can interpret it as an enhancement of the current development.
I consider the fieldbus diagnosis the most important part of the project. A tool that is able to recognize and recover the problems. It useful to save time and costs, of course.
Needless to say, suggestions/corrections are more than welcome.
Enjoy and have fun !!!
Full registers description of the EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC):
Easy filter settings :
The filter name is linked to the register as number and bit(s).
Textual visualization is relative to the registers/values:
Supported Operating System (checked) : Windows x64 , Mac OS x64